Things I’ve remembered that I enjoy..

You may notice a little time-lapse of about, oh, um, a year, has occurred since my last post. I won’t go into detail now; let it suffice to say that the reasons for this delay are at least as boringly predictable as the plot of the most recent Star Trek film (which I had the misfortune to sit through at the weekend). I have avoided visiting my blog at all due to a fairly large dose of shame and a sense of failure. I now feel more shame at seeing all of the lovely comments people have left on my last post, and the times where folk have reached out to check in on me, and received radio-silence back. For that I’m very sorry, and I thank you.

However, to kick things off again, here’s a quick list of some things I’ve remembered that I flipping LOVE about being sober:

1) Sleep. 8 solid hours, unless woken by small people.  No tossing and turning and the old wake-checktime-fallbackasleep-repeat.

2) Waking up in the morning, doing a quick body scan, realising I don’t have a pounding head/ sickly stomach and being so bloody pleased I didn’t booze last night.

3) My tongue and mouth have stopped being extremely sore. I’ve no medical basis for blaming this on drinking, but it’s too coincidental that it started improving on about Day 2 sober.

4) I’ve started losing weight; my face is less bloated. Hello, cheekbones!

5) The leaden ball of non-specific anxiety has left my chest.

6) Enjoying a morning coffee without wanting to hurl 15 minutes later.

7) I can taste stuff again!

8) Films. I no longer fall asleep 15 minutes into every film night we attempt to have. Switching off the lamps to create that “cinema vibe” in our living room had become the equivalent of popping the cover over the cage of an elderly parrot. Snooze (and quite probably drool) time!!!

10) My environment is beginning to feel more serene, mostly because I am more organised and can be arsed to clean and declutter all of the shizazzle we accumulate.

11) A big one. I am officially having A Lot More Fun with the smalls. And I have a shitload more patience with them. (Just to clarify, I have “more” patience.. not necessarily “lots of”. I’m working on that, and there are three of them, FFS. Don’t want to leave any of you with the misconception that I’m Mother Teresa now). Oh, and I have the energy to do things at the precious weekends, which don’t now revolve around praying that the kids will play nicely without any input from me, until I can legitimately crack open a bottle.

Which leads to 12) I’m losing the ever-present feeling of guilt, and I’m starting to feel proud of myself occasionally.

Feels good to be back.

Love, Red.





36 thoughts on “Things I’ve remembered that I enjoy..”

      1. Thanks! Glad I could make someone laugh. So I found that this is my old blog site that I deleted a long time ago, I logged in under the wrong email. Now I can’t figure out how to log in under the CORRECT one. Sigh. I have been meaning to set aside some time to play with it, but it has been so busy!!

        Liked by 1 person

    1. OK, figured it out. This is my actual blog. See?? Slow learner!! Especially when booze and technology are concerned.


    1. Aw thanks Jaded 😊 Hope all is good with you? I love the idea of the no shame zone.. I need to hold myself accountable tho. It’s such a good motivator, and I think support is so important, I feel awful I let so much go without responding. Big girl pants are on now though! Red xx

      Liked by 1 person

  1. It’s your story, your life, your timing, your “whatever” it takes to get control of the alcohol demon. At jaded8 so wonderfully put, this is a no shame zone! I like that a lot!

    Welcome back!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Ii was only thinking of you last night wondering what was going on with you, with Justonemore and TWTIK. I am so glad to see a post from you Red and know that despite a hiccough you are ok in general. I look forward to more posting. I am overdue a post myself but I am waiting til Friday.
    If you have checked in on me, you will see what a disaster the last few (7) months have been for me. Some of us are slow learners I think or amnesiacs.
    Kudos to you for coming back 😊

    Liked by 6 people

      1. Hey there TWTIK!! Great to hear from you! I’ll look forward to your post. Sorry to hear you’ve been struggling with it too. Sounds like the balance has been tipping in the right direction tho!! Red xx


  3. I’m definitely an amnesiac slow-learner of the highest order. But at least we’re trying eh? That counts for a lot. I will look forward to your next post eagerly. I hope things are going better for you now… sending hugs. Red xx

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Oh Red, I totally get it. ME TOO. It’s been well over a year since I’ve made a peep, and I’ve been hiding from the shame and guilt that has accumulated. My life as I knew it completely exploded and it has taken that long to try to get back up. I got a good 5 month stretch of sobriety in there, but the rest was misery. Thank you for your post, you have inspired me to get back on the blog as well. Much love to you. We can do this!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi CommotioCordis! Its great to hear from you, but I’m so sorry to hear you’ve been having a miserable time and that life’s turned upside down. Please do resurrect your blog.. I for one find all of the support and the feeling of “me too” (to borrow a phrase) that we have in the blogosphere to be crucial to this malarkey. Massive hugs to you! Red xx


  5. Yes yes yes! #5! The non-specific leaden ball of anxiety! That’s the one I know so well. To be honest, I still have it some mornings. I wake up thinking I SHOULD BE WORRYING ABOUT SOMETHING. It usually passes by the time I’m in the shower. Happy to see you here again!! Yay, I say!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I kept checking to see if you were back 😃! Hooray! I understand that feeling of shame after relapse where you just can’t bring yourself to check in on the ol’ blogOmeter. I had a lot of anxiety over that too after relapse and contemplated everything from non-disclosure to deleting my blog. In the end, thankfully I decided to fess up and keep plugging away. For so many of us, lapse&relapse has unfortunately been a shitty part of our lives and it helps tremendously to know others have struggled with it as well. I’m happy you are back xo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey there my friend! You caught me at an interesting moment… things had been sliding again recently and I just took the decision to pull myself up and maybe start my day count again. I’m so bloody weak! But the bottom line is, I’m a better parent sober. I want to feel guilt free again, but FOMO is killing me, and how will I relax?? Argh!!!
      Enough of my shizazzle. How goes it with you, Lovely One? Any more exciting travels?
      Red xx


      1. Ah lovely, that is such a hard one to crack!! I worked in the liquor industry for a decade and finding another way to chill out was hard as fark! I’m good thanks lovely although I’ve been super slack on the blogging front but now the weather is turning grey it’s easier to stay inside and write. Did have my parents here last week (while on the subject of things that almost drive us to drink….) next travel is She Recovers in September in LA with 600 or so sober goddesses although I may look less than godly after the 42 hour flight -agh!! On a totally random note if you’re looking for motivation and support have you heard of Recovery Buddha (I feel like I’m selling a ponsy scheme the way that came out) it’s a closed Facebook recovery group with only women- anyway I’m not affiliated, it’s just an awesome bunch of Sober women if you get lonely being sober over there xxx ps I definitely think you should start your day counter again x


      2. Oh wow!!! She Recovers, go you!! Bet that will be amazing! And I will check out Recovery Buddha, sounds good thanks. Need all the ass-whipping encouragement and motivation I can get.
        Talk about working in the industry – I’ve got a bloody champagne bottle on my desk as I’m typing this. Makes it just a wee bit harder to forget about it 😂 I reckon exercise is my only way forward in terms of endorphins/buzz. I’m too much of a buzz hound, I have a of fear cross-addiction 😂 xxx


      3. Gawd, that brings back memories- I worked for Moët-Hennessy for years and would religiously use a spittoon only to come home and get obliterated. Exercise was totally my saving grace although I mainlined the shit out of sugar too
        I started EFT and that probably helped me the most, it’s a bit woo-woo for some people thou haha
        Take care lovely one x Claire


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